marți, 27 octombrie 2015

Happy Halloween!

   Halloween-ul ne bate la usa, asa ca trebuie sa ne pregatim tinutele pentru aceasta sarbatoare. Am intrat pe site-ul SheIn si am gasit cateva articole care pot fi purtate in noaptea de 31 octombrie. Transportul este gratuit, iar reducerile nu lipsesc nici ele de pe site. Va doresc spor la cumparaturi!

Happy Halloween!

Treat or Trick!

What to wear?

Find your answer in SheIn.

Free shipping for you!

Take 35% OFF Over US$59 Code:HALLO35

Take 40% OFF Over US$159 Code:HALLO40

Ends: November/3

duminică, 25 octombrie 2015

Extensii de par de la Omgnb

  Buna, dragile mele! Astazi as vrea sa va vorbesc despre un site pe care puteti gasi extensii pentru par. Fie ca va doriti un par mai lung sau pur si simplu visati sa aveti parul colorat in diverse feluri, aici gasiti solutia. Nu este nevoie sa va cheltuiti banii pe vopsea de par pentru ca apoi sa va dati seama ca nu vi se potriveste culoarea. Site-ul la care fac referire se numeste Puteti alege din mai multe culori, lungimi si texturi.
  Eu sunt satena, asa ca am sa va arat alegerile mele. Pentru inceput, am ales extensii brown/blonde. Mi-a placut mult aceasta combinatie si cred ca mi s-ar potrivi. Extensiile costa doar 24,95 dolari. Pe site gasiti mult mai multe culori, asa ca aveti de unde alege.
  Hello, my dear! Today I want to tell you about a website where you can find hair extensions. Whether you want longer hair or simply dream of getting your hair colored in various ways, find the solution here. No need to waste your money on hair dye and then to realize that color does not suit you. The site is called You can choose from several colors, lengths and textures.
  I have brown hair, so I will show my choices . For starters, I chose extensions brown / blonde. I liked this combination and I think I would fit. Extensions cost only $ 24.95. On site you will find many more colors , so you can choose.

  Pot spune ca iubesc moda ombre. Mi-am cumparat vopseaua pentru par de ceva timp, insa mi-a fost frica sa o folosesc deoarece m-am gandit ca s-ar putea sa nu-mi stea bine. Dar acum am gasit extensiile perfecte pentru a-mi indeplini dorinta. Daca n-o sa mi se potriveasca, le pot da jos. E simplu. Toate informatiile despre modul in care trebuie ingrijite extensiile, pot fi gasite pe site.
   I can say that love fashion ombre. I bought hair dye for some time, but I was afraid to use it because I thought it could not stand me well. But now I've found the perfect extension to fulfill my desire. If not gonna fit me, I can give away. It's simple. All information about how to care for your extensions can be found on site .

  For several hair extensions, check the site. 

miercuri, 21 octombrie 2015

duminică, 18 octombrie 2015

Wedding dresses from Landybridal

When we talk about wedding dresses, it is always very hard to decide. That's why I will try to present you many sites that sell such dresses. Probably wondering why it's avantageous to buy from websites. You think the measure not correspond or dresses would look different in reality. I'm a big fan of online shopping I bought my wedding dress online of many reasons. First, it's about diversity of products on this site. There are dresses I could never find in the country where I live. The second reason is prices. Websites prices are much lower. You can buy two dresses with the money they give one in Romania. It's almost impossible to measure the dress wrong. There is a size table on each dress.
  Now I want to say  a few things about the new site and the dresses that I discovered. Is called Landybridal and you can find here wedding dresses, bridal party dresses, special ocassions dresses, men's formal wear, accessories, ceremony&favors and sale.
  I always liked lace and I have many dresses made of this material. Lace wedding dresses would be a perfect choice for my wedding.
  Princess dresses will always be preferred by future brides. Who could not like such a dress? You can buy it with only 385,75$. You can choose the color of white, champagne, ivory and pink.
   In collection wedding dresses 2016 I found many beautiful dresses. I will show you two because it's impossible to put pictures of all. Dresses are reduced by 20%, so you will save money. First dress costs 229 dollars and the second 199$. You will save 58$ and 50$ if you will buy these perfect dresses.


 What you think about these wedding dresses? Which one is your favorite?

joi, 15 octombrie 2015

Welcome every fashion lover!

   O noua promotie va asteapta pe site-ul Shein. Eu nu m-am putut abtine si am facut o tinuta de toamna-iarna cu produsele ce se afla la reducere. Pentru mai multe informatii si mai multe produse, click pe banner.

Spor la cumparaturi!

Do you want to be in the top fashion?

SheIn Top Gils Fashion.

Welcome every fashion lover!

Take 34% OFF Over US$55 Code:top34

Take 36% OFF Over US$105 Code:top36

Ends: October/19

New wedding dresses from CocoMelody

 Today, I will show you a site about wedding dresses. It is Cocomelody. I wrote once about it, but then I showed you homecoming dresses. This time, we have to look after wedding dresses. It is an important issue for any woman when she want to become bride. For this reason,  I come today to help this women to make the best choice. I'm unmarried, so this topic is very important for me. At first, I was surprised that I found on site many dresses. Also, the dresses can be made in several colors, which rarely happens on the usual sites. My friends who are married have told to me that when they found a beautiful wedding dress, could not find the desired color. On this site, you will not face this problem. With most dress, you can choose between the colors white, ivore or champagne.
  It was very hard to me to show you some of my favorite dresses because they are all gorgeous. Beach wedding dresses caught my attention, so I will show you two dresses.I like unique dresses. First dress is most suitable for engagement by the mayor.

   The second dress I would wear at church in my big day. I would choose the dress in pure white. 
The price of this dress is 199$. I say it's worth because in Romania a dress like this costs 500$ or more. Moreover, if you have extra kilos, you could not find your size. This problem can be solved on Cocomelody site. These two dresses can be found in category Destination wedding dresses.

  On this site, it's avaible a great promotion. You can have discounts  of 20%, 40% and 60% if your order exceeds 200$, 300$, 400$. For more informations, visit the website.

miercuri, 14 octombrie 2015

Un nou wishlist de la SheIn

   Dupa cum bine ati observat, pe blogul meu apar din ce in ce mai des promotiile disponibile pe site-ul SheIn. Acest lucru se intampla deoarece iubesc hainele ce se gasesc pe site, precum si serviciile pe care ni le ofera cei de la SheIn. Tin sa va anunt ca saptamana trecuta am inceput si o colaborare de fashion blogger, asa ca in cel mai scurt timp veti vedea si primele tinute cu produse de la ei. Momentan, astept o rochie rosie pe care sper sa o imbrac la nunta la care trebuie sa particip pe 14 noiembrie. O sa va zic mai multe atunci cand o voi primi.
  In imaginile de mai jos puteti vedea si o parte din produsele care fac parte din wishlist-ul meu.

luni, 12 octombrie 2015

Review - Lotiuni de la Gerovital

  Vremea de afara nu ne duce in niciun caz cu gandul la mare, insa astazi as vrea sa va spun cateva lucruri despre unele dintre cele mai bune lotiuni pentru protectie solara pe care le-am folosit. Este vorba despre lotiunea fluida pentru protectie solara si lotiunea calmanta dupa plaja. Din pacate, au ajuns la mine dupa ce m-am intors de la mare, asa ca am avut ocazia sa le testez doar la piscina (de doua ori). Am tot sperat ca vremea se va imbunatati si ca voi avea ocazia sa le folosesc mai mult, insa acest lucru nu s-a intamplat. Vara viitoare vor fi primele pe care le voi pune in bagajul de vacanta. :)

  Sa incepem cu prima lotiune si cea mai folosita, de altfel. Lotiunea pentru protectie solara 20 SPF, consistenta fluida este potrivita pentru toate tipurile de piele. Mi-a placut mult faptul ca lotiunea este sub forma de spray, devenind foarte usor de aplicat. Intra foarte usor in piele si nu este deloc grasa. Dupa aplicare, pielea ramane foarte fina si hidratata. Produsul este rezistent la apa si trebuie aplicat cu 15-30 de minute inainte de expunerea la soare,in mod uniform. 
  Pot sa va asigur ca lotiunea va protejeaza de efectele nocive ale soarelui (arsuri, imbatranire prematura, pete pigmentare, etc.). Eu folosesc de obicei o lotiune 50 SPF pentru fata deoarece am cativa pistrui, insa aceasta lotiune mi s-a parut la fel de buna ca cea pe care mi-o aplicam inainte. Dupa folosire, veti avea un bronz frumos, uniform, sanatos. 

  Cea de-a doua lotiune este destinata aplicarii dupa plaja si ajuta la calmarea si regenerarea pielii. Eu am folosit-o chiar daca nu mi s-a inrosit pielea si mi-a placut senzatia de racorire pe care mi-a oferit-o. La fel ca si in cazul primei lotiuni, textura este una usoara, patrunzand extrem de repede in piele.  Un alt mare avantaj al acestor lotiuni este lipsa parabenilor, colorantilor si al conservantilor. Pot fi achizitionate de pe site-ul, dar si din diverse farmacii si magazine. Eu va recomand sa comandati din magazinul online sau sa cumparati din farmacii deoarece puteti fi siguri ca lotiunile respecta normele si regulile specifice.

Ati folosit vreodata aceste lotiuni? Daca da, cum vi s-au parut? Daca nu, v-ati dori sa le incercati?

duminică, 11 octombrie 2015

Wishlist - Romwe

   De ceva timp urmaresc site-ul Romwe si tocmai de aceea as vrea sa va arat astazi o parte din produsele pe care mi le-as dori in garderoba. Din cauza ca afara este vremea asta urata si ploioasa, am ales o tinuta potrivita pentru aceasta vremea. Prognoza meteo nu suna prea bine, asa ca trebuie sa ne "aprovizionam" cu paltoane, gretute, pulovere si multe alte articole ce ne pot tine de cald in zilele friguroase de toamna-iarna.
   Primul produs pe care am pus ochii este un palton cu blana artificiala. Este potrivit pentru sezonul rece, dar avand in vedere ca afara sunt aproximativ zero grade, mi-ar prinde bine si acum. Se gaseste pe site la pretul de 46,67$.

   Al doilea articol pe care mi-l doresc este un pulover de mohair. Imi place foarte mult modelul si cred ca as putea sa-l port chiar si la o petrecere intre prieteni.

   Si acesti blugi sunt pe lista mea. Costa doar 12,33$ si sunt redusi cu 48%. Pot fi purtati in foarte multe tinute si consider ca sunt o investitie foarte buna.

  Tinuta nu se putea incheia decat cu o superba pereche de botine. Sunt reduse cu 50%, asa ca noul pret al acestor botine este 36,67$.
Aceasta este tinuta pe care am alcatuit-o din produsele mele preferate de la Romwe. Ce parere aveti?
Care este articolul vostru preferat?

Best dresses, best prices

  Another site that you should look at is Wishesbridal. Of course, you can find many dresses for special occasions, prom dresses, evening dresses, plus size dresses. No matter if you want a short or a long dress because you can find it at Wishesbridal. On this site, you will find dresses that can be worn by your mother at your wedding or at other special occasions. This time, are more short than long dresses.
   I want to show you my favorite dress. It's perfect for wedding party, cocktail party and formal evening. I'm in love with royal blue. Although the dress ca be made in many colors, I think this is perfect. Perhaps, because I am a lover of blue color. Also, that hat is gorgeous and goes perfectly with the dress. I do not think you expect that this dress has a substantial discount - 70 %. After discount, dress costs only 158$ (from 527$). When I saw this outfit, I thought the royal clothing. You have to be gorgeous at every party/wedding.

Hot Illusion Knee Length Royal Blue Lace Sheath Column Mother Of The Bride Dress

   Also, you can choose lace mother of bride dresses. At this category, I found a glamorous dress at only 154$. I simply love that lace applied to dress. I want a dress like the one below. I like it because it's elegant and the shape advantages me.

Glamorous Sheath Column Illusion Knee Length Lace Black Sleeveless Zipper Mother Of The Bride Dress 

  For cold nights, you can choose mother of the bride dresses with sleeve. I think long dresses are always much appreciated than short ones. This dress is made by chiffon and it is comfortable to wear. The color is everything. Black is everytime a good choice, but what about red, mint or lavender?

Elegant Illusion Floor Length Chiffon A Line Mother Of The Bride Dress 

  I hope that this article was useful for you. What do you think about these dresses?  What dress is your favorite?

Lovely dresses

   I think you have noticed that whenever I found a new site with good prices and nice clothes, I prefer to tell you. So happens this time when I want to talk to you about a website called Dressleaderau. From the beginning, I would like to say what products are on the site. So, you can find here wedding dresses, bridemaid dresses, formal dresses, evening dresses, cocktail dresses, mother of the bride dresses and flower girl dresses. The cattegory called "mother of the bride dresses" caught my attention because I have not seen it on other similar sites.
  When you go to a wedding, it is impossible to get your attention and the bride's mother. For this reason, her outfit must be perfect. When I will get married, I wish that my mother will wear a dress like this. I love burgundy color and I think it would emphasize her body. This dress is on site at discount and costs only AU $ 215.  It has 50% discount! If you want another color, you can choose between silver, sage, red, mint, liliac and other. It is a long list it is better to enter the site to  see all the colors.

   Here you cand also find cheap formal dresses australia and cheap long formal dresses. I think a formal dress like the one below can be worn at your own wedding especially if it is white or ivory. The price is very good because the dress being reduced by 50%. 

   This is one of cheap formal dress. I think every woman should choose to wear this color at least once in life because it's gorgeous. 

   At the end of this article, I must say that you have free shipping over AUD $ 299. More than that, if you register on the site, you'll receive AUD $ 5 by using code AUD5.

New Markdowns Coming!

   Pana pe 14 octombrie pe site-ul SheIn va asteapta o noua oferta si anume o reducere de 40% la anumite articole. Reducerea este deja aplicata produselor, asa ca nu va trebuie un cod anume. Spor la cumparaturi!

New Markdowns Coming!

It is getting cooler and cooler.

Do you want to be cool?

SheIn the markdown for you!

Seize this chance, every girl!

40% OFF

Ends: October/14